Anyhow, back to our story. A few weeks ago, Angie on the Cafe Hollander Bicycle Team joined us for one of our longer rides. On this ride, we stopped at a McDonald's attached to a gas station. Mind you, Chris and I have been stopping there about once a week for several months prior to this ride. Angie, her first time stopping at this location, immediately went for the bike rack. Now I know what you're thinking, "what's so special about placing one's bike in a bike rack?" Here's what special about it, Chris and I had never noticed the bike rack before and had just been placing our bikes on the railing by a door a mere 20 feet away. That's pretty sad for us, but it happens. We have been using that bike rack ever since. Thanks Angie!
This brings us to our ride today. We decided to hold off on stopping until the McDonald's in Mukwonago to minimize our number of stops. When we get there, trying to be smart, I decided to take a quick ride around the McDonald's searching for a bike rack. During this time, Chris decided to just place his bike by a trash can near the front door. (Note how nice our bikes look next to the trash can below.) After failing to find the bike rack, I parked my bike next to Chris' and we went inside, muttering how the Mukwonago people must not be as classy as the Waterford people in providing multi-modal parking situations.

After releasing some bodily fluids and filling up our bottles, I consume my banana. While discarding my banana peel, I glance out the window and see the thing that eluded us earlier. I mention to Chris to come here and look out the window. There it is. The bike rack! We chuckle and mention how dumb we are and how we should document our stupidity to share with others.
Following the pictures, we get back on the road and finish our ride. We saw some turkeys and gorgeous skies. It was a beautiful morning for a ride. On the way in, we both decided that we earned a sausage mcmuffin from McDonald's Dollar menu. It is a wonderful 383 calories of nutrition!

Come join us tonight at Sobelman's for a quad at 6:30pm! It will be quite delicious! By the way, here's the data for those of you who are curious.
Happy Riding!
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