
Current Members:
Andy Mixell

Ben Stengel - Ben is a fairly young guy with a beautiful girlfriend who he met while winning his age group at a triathlon in Indiana. Since then, he has slowly converted her away from triathlons to more road racing to allow for more opportunities to go race together on weekends. While still doing the occasional triathlon, his focus has shifted to the road where he is a Cat 4 roadie.

Brent Emery

Bruce Peltier

Chris St. Clair - Chris is a middle-aged guy with a beautiful family of three children, two dogs, and a wife who understands his need for athletic participation. Chris is really a triathlete that often masquerades as a Cat 5 roadie. Other than his persistent lack of socks and his sweat smelling like chlorine, he does an OK job when the race doesn't allow warming up with a swim and cooling down with a run.

Jim Hilins

Kari Lankford - Kari is one of the youngest members on a growing female squad. Known to do a few triathlons (such as the one she met boyfriend Ben), she is fairly new to the sport of cycling but will be coming out strong and making her mark this season.

Steve Federspiel

Tamara Burks

Twitter feeds:
Team Emerys Third Coast: @teamemerys
Ben: @benjaminstengel
Chris: @stclaircssays
Kari: @karilankford

We are missing quite a few people, so please send an email with your information.